RLIMS conducted a certificate course on metaverse and marketing. Course expert Mr. Ganesh Balan, cognizant, Hyderabad. 60 students attended the crash course at 10 session program. The participants learnt how metaverse functions in today’s marketing world and also learned about the evolutions of web 3.0 and IOT (internet of things). The participants were able to grab information’s about oculus device used to experience VR. We acquired a knowledge of artificial intelligence (AI), mixed reality (MR) and HoloLens. The participants grasp new facts on blockchain, NFT and crypto currency in depth with some use cases. The participants obtained additional information’s about technologies of metaverse, 7 layers of metaverse and technology that empowers metaverse. The participants came to know about various platforms in which the metaverse is going to manipulate. All the students had experienced the oculus device and they enjoyed the virtual reality (VR). The students created an experience a virtual meeting of personalizes avatars of them in spatial platform. This programme came to an end with group presentation, what we learnt this crash course. At the end of the programme the 2 students have been rewarded with amazon coupon for the active participation and answering spot questions. It was an immersive experience…

MBA – PROGRAMME of RL INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES organized a one-day symposium programme on FINNOVATE on November 18th. A total of 250 students participated in and around Madurai. Guest speaker, Mr Patrick Mathew(Kotak Mutual Funds) started the session by giving a quote on money speaks only one language, “if you save me today, I will save you tomorrow”. And he shared his intelligence on Mutual funds and he stressed the word compounding is the 8th wonder of the world from the saying of Albert Einstein from that we know about the power of compounding and how compounding plays important role in the day to day life, II session Mr Kathirvel Srinivasan (Digital Transformation Leader)shared his knowledge about Artificial Intelligence in Digital Learning; it is used in banking, hospital and in various industries and he spoke about how Artificial Intelligence is going to make a new revolution in future. And he shared about how AI makes life and time effective, In 3rd session, Mrs Srividhya Srikanth shed light on knowledge about the stock market and types of investment, when to start, and why to start and she shared about the Golden rules for the stock market, is Invest early, Invest Regularly, Invest for Long Term and Short Term.

A crip word “T- bush” can give you an immense knowledge of technological business horizon with few hours of session in a day..! T bush conducted by RL institute of management studies at Madurai on 10/11/22 Saturday from 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM was indeed wonderful session which covered wise words from speakers around various parts of fields, Mr. Prasanth – Digital marketing Trainer & consultant Mr. Satya sidharatha panda – Assistant Professor at sunstone university india, Mr. Balasubramanian S – National head at digital media Dinamalar Brightened the brains of participants through their wisdom and experience in the field of digital marketing with hands-on-training. The wise content of the interesting session is available on youtube do watch the full program “T-Bush” on coming Sunday evening 6.00 PM at RLIMS channel on youtube
Thank you – Vigneshwari M S MBA ( I year )
MBA – PROGRAMME of RL INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES organized a three days Sports festival ATHLON. The following games have been organised cricket, Futsal, and Throw ball (Girls) on April 26th, 27th, and 28th. A total of 40 teams participated in and around Madurai. Guest speaker Mr Vinoth G D (Celebrity & Actor) Integrated the event. He shared his life experience in sports. The Winner of the Cricket tournament was the KLN college of engineering and technology team and Runner was the team from VHNSN Virudhunagar. Following that Futsal Winner was Saraswathi Narayanan college and Runner was Arul Ananda College. Next to that Throw ball (Girls), the Winner was the Sethu Institute of Technology and Runner was the RL Institute of Management Studies. In the end, the cash prize was awarded to the Winners and Runners. With the tireless efforts of MBA Students of RL Institute of Management Studies, the event successfully got positive feedback and the sports festival came to an end.
Thank you – Sivaram T K ( II MBA )